Everyone is adjusting nicely and getting into a routine.

When I get up at 7:00 Shai (my shih tzu) and I go for our morning walk, when we get home its time to take the babies outside and get them up. Then they get a warm bath, eat breakfast and quickle fall abck asleep. Around 3:00 after Peyton gets home from school they get another quick warm bath and a snack. We lay a blanket on the pool deck and give them their treat. Roesie, Ginger, Cecil, Peyton and I enjoy this time very much as it gives us a chance to get more aquainted and used to each other.
These pictures are from their breakfast yesterday morning except the last one of Rosie biting Peyton, she didnt hurt him but he did have her mango in the other hand!

LMAO, doesn't this thumb just look like a rosy fat earthworm?